Spirit Animal Blog Award


Hello everyone! Long time no see!

I am pretty late with this, but I’ve been nominated for the Spirit Animal Blog Award by the awesome Ninjapigsims 🙂 (Go check out her blog here!)

I kinda use this as a comeback now, since I’ve missed the Llewellyns pretty much lately 🙂



1. Post the award picture on your blog.
2. Write a short paragraph about yourself and what your blog means to you.
3. If you could be any animal, what would you be?
4. Pick ten nominees.


About me and my blog:

I am a 21 year old german girl who absolutely fell in love with The Sims. I’ve played it a few time at my friend’s when I was younger, and I’m not really sure whether it was The Sims or The Sims 2, but I remembered how much I liked it only about 5 years ago, and bought The Sims 3. I loved just playing the game, I didn’t even know there was so much more to it like challenges, custom content and really wonderful communities. I somehow came to Pinstar’s Legacy Challenge, and the recommendations on his website to legacy story tellers. I searched for more, because I loved the idea, and quickly landed in the Writer’s Lounge over at the sims forums 🙂 It took me a while, but I finally started this blog and combined to of the things I loved: playing and writing.

I don’t know when I started writing in general, I only know that became fond of books very early in my life and I’ve always had a great imagination, thinking of stories without writing them down. I remember one time, I was about 6 years old, that I recorded a story on tape at my grandpa’s – he wanted me to think about it first so that I wouldn’t have to pause the record all the time to think, but I just couldn’t, I knew when I just would start talking, the story would come to me. So I lied to him and said “I got one!”, when in reality I didn’t 😉

I also very much like painting and crafting, everything creative, but also stuff I need to use my brain for a lot, like learning new languages, mathematics, chemistry, biology… I’ve always loved learning, I really liked going to school 🙂 Now, after earning money for a while, I will start going to university in autumn, studying ‘language science’ – it’s about how different languages are related and where they come from, and also how we use our language, like how do we use the words to make a joke funny? I’m really looking forward to it 🙂

Enough about me *cough*shortparagraph*cough*, I think I’ve just recently discovered what my blog really means to me. For a while, it was more obligation than anything else. I felt like, since I started this blog, I also need to offer something to my readers. That’s why I just stopped a few months ago – I didn’t even want to play anymore, because I pressurized myself in having to take the perfect screenshots at the perfect time.

In my break I started a legacy on my tumblr, because it was so much easier needing only one picture with a caption –  and having finished a whole post with it! Meanwhile, I missed the Llewellyns more and more, but also my writing style here on my blog. I know now, that I made this blog only for myself, only because I love playing and writing. If people like it, they will read my posts, no matter if they are coming once a day or once a month. So my blog means to me an endless pot of creativity, of learning, of getting in touch with a foreign language and experiment with my writing, my playing, and also editing pictures, because they are a big part of my posts 🙂


What Animal I would be:

I’d be a lion. Since my star sign is Leo, I’ve always felt attracted to the king of the animals. I’m not the kind of people who likes being in the spotlight and being all loud, I’m rather in the background. But a lion itself just inspires me, it’s grace, it’s beauty, the way they lead their family… yeah, I’d love to be lion 🙂 I’ve got bushy hair and a broad nose already, so there’s not so much difference 😉


Since I’m very late, I guess most of you have already been nominated and have already postet their award, but I nominate you anyways, because I think you should know that i really appreciate you and your works!

  1. Julyvee95
  2. CharmingMaruska
  3. JoieWilder
  4. CathyTea
  5. CitizenErased14
  6. Rinellie
  7. EmmaLeeXOXO
  8. SummerFalls
  9. RoryPlaysTheSims
  10. Derubelle

Thank you all for your awesome stories! 🙂

Chapter 12

Hello and welcome back to a picture of my mischievious heir trolling teh forums.

You can literally hear her mischievious laughing in this pic.

02-23-16_8-29-50 PM

But to complete her aspiration, not only has she to improve her mischief skill, she also needs to drain clogs at other people’s homes. If that doesn’t call for a visit to her brother’s!

02-23-16_8-36-11 PM

Luke and McKenna were completely oblivious to what happened on the upper floor, and when Leia was finished, she decided to talk to them a little.

(If you are interested in their home, you can find it here on the gallery)

02-23-16_8-37-37 PM

Back at home, they had a visit from Ashton’s sister, Nevaeh. (I have absoloutely no idea how to pronounce this name, but I really love it)

02-23-16_8-42-38 PM

Didn’t hold them back from flirting with each other.

02-23-16_8-43-37 PM

When Travis came home from work, Leia immediately tried to convince him of her being a criminal mastermind.

Travis: Yeah, sure, kiddo.

02-23-16_8-45-52 PM

He was clearly not impressed.

Still, Leia’s interactions led to them becoming best friends! (Haven’t they been before? I honestly don’t know anymore, I have so many Sims being best friends but then their relationship bar drops and they aren’t anymore.)

02-23-16_8-46-42 PM

Kira and Travis are always up very early, because they are going to sleep so early (like about 7 pm).

Good for them to spend a little time with just each other.

02-23-16_8-52-44 PM

(Oh no, I totally lied, do you see the hand in the bottom right corner? But still, they are up earlier than Leia and Ashton, most of the time)

Cute interactions between Leia and Ashton. Things like this are really rare, they seem to be more friends than lovers, actually. Maybe I forced them a bit too hard into their relationship.

02-23-16_8-56-09 PM

No excuses Leia, you need to workout for you astronaut career!

02-23-16_8-58-12 PM

Kira still is a passionate painter. She always starts painting autonomously!

02-23-16_8-59-57 PM

She also loves spending quality time with Leia. Actually, most of her social whims are involving Leia.

02-23-16_9-01-54 PM

I decided it would be a good idea to start some gardening, for it really helps increasing the household funds. So I send Kira around the neighbourhood to get some plants. She seemingly enjoyed being outside.

02-23-16_9-06-10 PM

She’s also very fond of Ashton. I can’t blame her. *Sigh* Just look at him.

02-23-16_9-15-38 PM

Look at this perfect picture. This is what I imagine a relationship to be: being together, but still doing what each of them likes to do most.

02-23-16_9-17-46 PM

Meanwhile Ashton really loves mixing drinks. I have to cancel his autonomously actions of mixing a dring so often, because he would drop anything in favour of mixing (even using the toilet).

02-23-16_9-18-05 PM

In the meantime I sent Leia out for draining a second clog. I think Ashton’s sister Nevaeh lives here, but it’s also possible we don’t know the person living here at all, I don’t know anymore.

02-23-16_9-24-45 PM

We will never find out, because nobody was home.

Well, we’re going to search for some victims then to improve Leia’s mischief skill.

And we quickly found one.

02-23-16_9-25-39 PM

Or two. Dominic Fyres was clearly scared by Leia telling him she’s a criminal mastermind.

Look at her laughing evilly, I would totally belive her, too.

02-23-16_9-30-29 PM

Aww, I love these random happy moments of Kira ❤

02-23-16_9-37-13 PM

And these random romantic conversations between Kira and Travis ❤

02-23-16_9-40-23 PM

Which were quickly destryed, because Leia went into labour!

02-23-16_9-41-14 PM

Ashton: Oh my god, we haven’t bought any toys yet!

02-23-16_9-41-48 PM

Yep, would be my first thought, too.

I decided to make an experiment here, to see whether Sims in labour would go to the hospital autonomously.

Leia first needed some grilled cheese.

02-23-16_9-42-56 PM

Ashton tried to make her feel better.

Ashton: Hey Baby, I really like your shining white teeth.

Leia: Oh my god, not now, please.

02-23-16_9-44-53 PM

Seconds later Ashton went to work. Can you believe this?! His wife (well, girlfriend) is in labour and he goes to work!

02-23-16_9-46-00 PM

Erm… okay, he came back. Don’t ask me why, I didn’t play any role in this.

02-23-16_9-46-36 PM

Leia obviously would never go to the hospital, so I decided graciously to let her go there, with Ashton of course.

All he could think about was whether he would still get his beloved steak when their child was born.

02-23-16_9-50-54 PM

And we have a boy! Leia, being a sporting ace, wanted to name her kids after the greatest sportsmen and women.

Meet Michael Llewellyn! (After Michael Jordan)

02-23-16_9-58-49 PM

Leia loved her boy from the very first minute. But she still went to work minutes after he was born.

02-23-16_9-59-12 PM

But no need to worry, we have a loving grandpa here as well!

02-23-16_10-01-24 PM

We still need an heir, so Leia and Ashton went to work right away.

03-06-16_6-15-22 PM

Aaand pregant again! I think Leia likes being pregnant, she’s happy almost all of the time.

03-06-16_6-17-59 PM

Kira was feeling very confident that day, and she showed herself what a great woman she is.

03-06-16_6-19-39 PM

Feeling a bit awkward afterwards, she wanted to forget about her mirror session and finally planted the stuff she collected days ago (I completely forgot about it).

03-06-16_6-31-54 PM

Tune in next time, I’m planning to do a big makeover of the Llewellyn house!

Chapter 11

Welcome to Generation 2 of the Llewellyn Legacy!

First thing to do when Leia and Luke aged up – get them jobs. We need the money!

Leia had the astronaut career in her mind, so why not?

01-07-16_6-24-26 PM

Luke, with his Mansion Baron Aspiration was thinking only about money, of course. But the best paid job was the astronaut career and I didn’t want two astronauts in this family and since Luke had taken up writing as his new hobby while he was a teenager, I decided to get him a job in the writer’s career.

01-07-16_6-27-34 PM

Anf course he was eager to write his first books (not).

01-07-16_6-29-27 PM

Leia had to play chess for her job and I let Kira join her.

Leia: I can’t see if this is a knight or a bishop down there, I might need glasses…

01-07-16_6-30-46 PM

After playing a while I wanted to show her how hard her mother had to work when she was as young as Leia is now.

Yes, you might find a treasure there…

01-07-16_6-37-10 PM

Luke published his first two children’s books and look who’s coming!

01-07-16_6-41-41 PM

Great, Leia, totally not awkward pushing yourself in the middle here…

01-07-16_6-45-03 PM

(Luke really seemed to believe Ashton’s story of his adventure with a bear)

I love the Get Together expansion pack, so of course Leia had to go dancing to Windenburg!

She’s already got the attention of everyone.

02-09-16_9-21-42 PM

I really have no idea why she was carrying a plate of spaghetti in her pockets…

02-09-16_9-22-29 PM

I think you missed the general direction here, darling.

02-09-16_9-26-09 PM

Not forgetting her aspiration, Candy became a victim of hers. (I’m glad mischief actions increase relationships)

02-09-16_9-29-47 PM

Oops, forgot Travis’ birthday! He aged up all alone next to his bed. Sad like a little flower which hasn’t been watered in weeks, he was.

02-09-16_9-33-42 PM

Do you see that?! I didn’t know they can do this autonomously while one of them is still a teenager!

02-09-16_9-46-13 PM

Travis is creepily watching over there.

While McKenna was at our house, she also aged up! I unfortunately missed the sparkles. Luke asked her right away if she wanted to move in. (And get a job, only for her to get the opportunity to learn something new, of course.)

02-09-16_9-47-58 PM

You know what I love most when townies move in? Giving them a makeover.

02-09-16_10-17-46 PM

I thought Leia should have a tattoo, so she got a pretty feather at her right forearm.

02-09-16_10-25-01 PM

(We really need some tattoo studios like in The Sims 3, or at least that the tattoos are unlocked while in normal CAS mode, I had to cheat to give her this tattoo)

Travis and McKenna got to know each other.

Travis: Nice, that you moved in with us!

McKenna: Oh please, I just want to listen to some music…

02-11-16_7-49-14 PM

I couldn’t figure out whether McKenna wanted to get a job where she could sell coffee or drink coffee… With a little imagination I thought she would like to get in the culinary career.

02-11-16_7-51-11 PM

Practicing making drinks…

Yeah, if you won’t pay attention everything might explode!

02-11-16_7-53-50 PM

Can someone tell me what this means? I wanted her to read a book, but she couldn’t get one out of the bookcase. There was literally nothing between them, and certainly no locked door…

02-11-16_8-09-36 PM

A few days later Ashton aged up too! This time I could get the sparkles, at least what was left of them.

02-11-16_8-17-35 PM

Obviously he wanted to get a job in the writer’s career, too, but no, since he’s got the Painter Extraodinaire Aspiration, I got him a job in the painter’s career.

You can see, I’m trying really hard to look more at what my Sims want and not what I want *cough*

02-11-16_8-19-54 PM

Trying for baby!

02-11-16_8-59-29 PM

Family time at 5 in the morning.

02-11-16_9-31-14 PM

Suddenly Leia vomited on the floor… I totally forgot that I had her trying for baby with Ashton the last night!

02-11-16_9-32-12 PM

One walk on the toilet later my suspicions are confirmed: Leia is pregnant!

02-11-16_9-32-35 PM

She woke Ashton to tell him the news. He didn’t seem to approve. (Look at this beautiful man… I think he’s my first Sim crush)

02-11-16_9-33-04 PM

With a new baby on the way Luke and McKenna had to move out.

McKenna: But I’ve just moved in…

Yes, and now you’ll have to move out again. Sorry not sorry. We need the room.

02-11-16_9-34-41 PM

Ashton sang a nice love song to Leia…

02-11-16_9-59-10 PM

…but she’s got only eyes for her father… erm… let’s just interpret she’s looking at him like “Isn’t my boyfriend just the best!”

02-11-16_9-59-22 PM

Since it was Kira’s birthday and I didn’t want her to get the fogotten birthday moodlet too, Leia baked a cake for her.

Not really experienced, my little girl.

02-11-16_10-00-12 PM

Kira aged up…

02-11-16_10-02-24 PM

…and went to work right after. Whew, hell of a party that was!

02-11-16_10-02-34 PM

Settling In

Since I told you last time I came to Windenburg to fulfil my dream, you’re probably wondering what exactly I’m dreaming about.

Well, it’s easy. All my life I wanted to be a retail owner. I love getting in contact with people, selling things I love and make other people love them, too.

However, since I’m still only a temporary citizen, there are some restrictions. For example, I’m not allowed to sell self-made goods, as they are considered foreign and the government seems to be suspicious about it. Though I can’t blame them for wanting to make sure this country stays a safe place.

Another restriction is, I may not marry, nor move in with someone else. This should be the least of my problems, as I didn’t come here to find a husband. At least not for a main reason.

As suspicious as the government may be, they are still eager to help people making themselves a home in their country. So they gave me a loan for an easier start.

01-07-16_9-36-21 PM

With some of the money I was able to get myself a cute little house. I really like it, the size is exact right for me.

With the rest of the money I hope I’m able to find something to open a business.

But for now, I want to explore the town which will be my home from now on. I found a nice, though a bit dimly-looking bar in the town centre. I walked in and decided to have a try on german food.

I must say, I could get used to it! Although it has been a little spicy.

01-09-16_2-05-44 PM

The people here are also really nice. I didn’t have any problems in talking with them, because my parents have taught me their mother language from when I was little on.

I had quite a nice time speaking with some of the inhabitants, though this man, Mortimer Goth, told me he doesn’t even come from here. He only comes to Windenburg for some of his business trips.

01-09-16_2-08-00 PM

They even invited me to get to know their local games they are playing almost every evening at their get-togethers. The blonde, Bjorn Bjergsen, is very nice and patient. He didn’t seem to mind telling me over and over again how to play “Don’t wake the Llama”. Marcus Flex, however, is more of a quiet person and he has this absolutely stunning green eyes… I need to keep reminding me that that’s not what I’m here for.

01-09-16_2-11-21 PM


The next morning I decided to go for a walk through my neighbourhood.

I came to the conclusion that I’ve never made a better decision than moving to Windenburg. At almost every corner the sight of the landscape is gorgeous.

At least it was, until I came to a very abandoned looking house. From the ouside it kind of looked like it might had been a shop in the past, with the signs hanging from each side of the doors.

01-09-16_2-18-38 PM

I decided to take a look inside. If the doors weren’t opened, then at least by throwing a glance through the windows.

To my relief, the doors weren’t closed.

01-09-16_2-19-19 PM

As I walked inside, I stiffened in utter shock. It looked horrible. On the right there was a really old, rusty bed and some furniture. Even some books were in the shelf.

01-09-16_2-21-23 PM

To the left, there were a few chairs and a couch, as if it had been some kind of living room.

01-09-16_2-21-44 PM

On the left behind me, there even were some sanitaries. Opposite to the outside, the inside looked more like people had actually lived there. Though there were some stairs leading to a gallery along the walls, with glass walls shielding the hole in the middle, which was again more shop-like.

01-09-16_2-22-02 PM

I went outside and found myself beaming as of the discovery I’ve just made. Who would’ve known only my second day here would be so successful? In my mind I already pictured what I could make out of this hovel.

I quickly browsed the internet on my phone to see if I could get some information about this house.

I could.

It was advertised for sale.

01-09-16_2-24-01 PM


01-07-16_10-03-01 PM

My name is Mayla Bauer.

I recently moved to Windenburg to escape the poor conditions and the resultant grief which currently preposseses my home country.

My parents, both born in Windenburg, sent me back here, where they know the circumstances are much better to live a healthy and successful life.

That’s why I’m here now, enjoying the incredibly beautiful sight, determined to make my dream come true.

01-07-16_10-03-32 PM

Chapter 10

Let’s meet again with Luke and McKenna at their first date. She’s also hairless because I deleted her bun. She’ll get new hair when she moves in (I have big plans *mwahaha*).

Flirting works pretty well with these two.

12-01-15_8-05-41 PM

McKenna: But first, let me take a selfie.

But, woah, look at her, she looks directly into my eyes! I think I got a game aware here.

12-01-15_8-05-45 PM

Giving her a rose…

12-01-15_8-06-30 PM

… and showing her affection otherwise.

12-01-15_8-07-18 PM

At home there is also a lot affection showing going on. I just love Ashton, I need him in my house.

12-01-15_8-24-15 PM

Oh no, Leia, not the moves… too late. But Ashton took it pretty well.

12-01-15_8-25-05 PM

He obviously has no computer at home because he always wanted to use ours. But before he could get to it Leia stopped him to ask if he wanted to be her boyfriend.

He said yes!

12-01-15_8-26-36 PM

Aaand their first kiss comes right after.

12-01-15_8-26-52 PM

Leia: Well now that we’ve clarified this I got to work on my aspiration. Little trolling teh forums, hehe.

12-03-15_6-28-42 PM

Of course she couldn’t stand it to be away from her new boyfriend, so she walked up to him again. No, I didn’t play any role in this *cough*

12-03-15_6-32-50 PM

The new bed has to be tested, right?

12-03-15_6-33-34 PM

Meanwhile, Luke developed a new hobby all on his own. He autonomously starts practicing writing all the time! Maybe we got a hidden bestselling author in there.

12-03-15_6-47-46 PM

Kira’s still got the moves. Cool working outfit! I guess artists have to wear something eccentric.

12-03-15_6-48-53 PM

Again, a broken bathroom. Travis, you won’t get bored when you come home from work!

12-03-15_6-49-19 PM

Luke invited McKenna over. He couldn’t bear the thought of his younger sister having a boyfriend and he still doesn’t have a girlfriend!

12-03-15_6-57-15 PM

McKenna was more than pleased. I secretly think that’s all she ever hoped for since she saw Luke the first time.

12-03-15_6-58-49 PM

Leia: I’ll show you guys, we’re better at this.

12-03-15_7-19-56 PM

Luke hasn’t got any other friends beside McKenna and his outgoing trait disapproved of this, so I sent him over to the park one day, where we immediately found another teen girl.

12-07-15_2-36-48 PM

And not only one, but three teen girls. Seriously, where have you been when I was looking for you?!

Luke, with his outgoing and romantic trait, was very challenged. I guess if I would let him he would totally be a womanizer.

12-07-15_2-39-18 PM

Luke: Nah, babe, I only love you! Come over and I’ll show you.

12-07-15_2-57-23 PM

Luke: See, I only have eyes for you.

12-07-15_3-00-19 PM

The girl on the left didn’t seem to like it. Maybe she’s already got hopes up.

Leia: We’ve been together now for a few days and still haven’t been on a date! Come on!

12-07-15_3-17-03 PM

Ashton agreed and both went to the lounge.

Leia is sure to show him what it means to go on a date with her.

12-07-15_3-18-12 PM

Leia: See my moves?

12-07-15_3-20-06 PM

But, as every time, she’s not only eager to improve her relationship to Ashton but also to downgrade her relationships to other people.

So she told this poor lady (also without hair) false fake news.

12-07-15_3-22-29 PM

And shocked her. I think Leia has a little too much fun with her aspiration…

12-07-15_3-22-58 PM

Back at home, Kira finally managed to max out her painting skill! I’m so proud!

12-23-15_1-21-31 PM

Random Screenshot: Look at the townies rocking my CC.

12-23-15_1-23-55 PM

Finally the YA birthday of my two babies has come. Luke is now an outgoing, romantic Insider, Leia instead is a gloomy, neat Bro. I didn’t expect her last trait, but it somehow suits her.

12-23-15_2-25-55 PM

12-23-15_2-36-42 PM

Tune in next time, when we move on and it’s Leia’s turn to continue the legacy!

Chapter 9

First, let’s take  a look at how beautiful Oasis Springs looks covered in snow… not.

11-22-15_9-24-52 PM

But the Llewellyn family is more than glad about the weather, imagine Kira walking around in the snow in these clothes!

11-22-15_9-47-51 PM

Ashton is already a part of the family and soon he and Leia became partners in crime.

11-22-15_9-50-36 PM

Aww look at him. I really want to have him in this house.

11-22-15_9-51-50 PM

Finally it is Kira’s Adult Birthday!

11-22-15_10-08-17 PM

Feels good, doesn’t it?

11-22-15_10-08-22 PM

There’s no better way to celebrate birthdays than WooHoo.

11-23-15_8-20-41 PM

Leia and Ashton became best friends! Yay!

11-23-15_8-22-18 PM

The twins’ birthdays arrived soon after Kira’s.

11-23-15_8-59-43 PM

Luke, you look so much like your father… but somehow not at all. I can’t decide. I think it’s only the blond hair. He grew up with the romantic trait and has the aspiration to become a Mansion Baron!

11-23-15_9-02-08 PM

Aaand it’s Leia’s turn.

11-23-15_9-02-40 PM

Seems like she doesn’t really like her new outfit… Me neither, Leia, don’t worry, we’ll fix that. Her new trait is neat (another neat freak!) and her aspiration is Chief of Mischief… This will be interesting I think.

11-23-15_9-04-34 PM

Woah look at Ashton!

11-23-15_9-10-00 PM

Ashton: Imma get that booty.

Yeah, okay…

These are the makeovers of the children’s rooms:

11-23-15_9-34-35 PM

And of course I’m starting on Leia’s aspiration rightaway!

First victim is Eleanor Davis (or Davies?), she seems perfect, we can’t stand her anyway (I forgot why, to be honest).

11-26-15_6-31-34 PM

Oh look at our wedding dress and hiking boots townie! She got old! That makes me somehow sad.

11-26-15_6-31-56 PM

Leia knows how to get her stuff done!

11-26-15_6-33-27 PM

Next day, next victim. Aaand she’s got two people disliking  her, milestone complete!

11-26-15_6-48-30 PM

In the afternoon, I sent Leia out to get to know some boys (I completely forgot about Ashton, shame on me). But instead she made some new friends at the bar.

11-26-15_7-41-26 PM

In the evening her gloomy trait kicked in again. The music really reflects her emotions…

11-26-15_7-49-23 PM

A day in the park. What do we see? Yeah, right, a child called Ashton. I can’t wait for him to grow up!

11-26-15_8-06-52 PM

Luke has met the obviously only teenage girl worldwide: McKenna Eaton (first I thought her name is Makenna, but really, McKenna? Is this a a first name at all?).

11-26-15_8-09-02 PM

Both thinking angrily: Seriously, can’t you come nearer?!

After checking Leia’s relationship panel for the hundredth time, I saw this:

11-26-15_8-16-47 PM

Woah, didn’t he grow up handsome! I will make him my next spouse, no matter what.

Of course Leia invited him over as soon as possible.

11-26-15_8-17-11 PM

Gosh, I can’t keep my eyes from him.

Well, he seems not being able putting his eyes away from Leia!

11-26-15_8-19-33 PM

I tried a bit of a flirt… and look at his happy face! I’m sure he likes it!

11-26-15_8-21-27 PM

When Kira woke up the next day, she didn’t seem to be happy. Oh, maybe that’t because she woke up without hair. I deleted all my real-looking hair and downloaded a batch of Maxis Match.

11-30-15_6-15-58 PM

There, looks good, doesn’t it?

11-30-15_6-24-25 PM

She’s still not happy. (She really put some weight on, didn’t she?)

Obviously Kira didn’t want to take my compliments, so I’ll leave that to someone who can make her feel happy anytime.

11-30-15_6-32-14 PM

Travis: Baby, you look wonderful! Absolutely stunning!

See? It worked.

Chapter 8

Let’s start with this beautiful new home I have designed for my little family. I’m really content with it. For now.

11-09-15_6-53-44 PM

I bought Leia a doll house and Luke a potion table (is it called potion table? I’m not sure now), but he didn’t even use it since he got it.

He rather likes to sit at the new place in the new kitchen and do homework with his sister.

11-09-15_6-55-15 PM

Right after I finished the home, I got this message:

11-09-15_6-59-39 PM

Perfect timing, I’d say!

Of course we will invite all our friends. Well, we actually don’t have that many friends. So we will invite everyone we know.

11-09-15_7-00-52 PM

Kira is making a chocolate birthday cake for her husband.

11-09-15_7-00-57 PM

I will spare you pictures of the party, there was a lot dancing and a lot talking, but nothing which needs to get attention.

As you can see on the counter on the right, the caterer also made a birthday cake, but Travis likes the one of his wife more, of course.

He blows off the candles and changes… not at all.

11-09-15_7-10-02 PM

Aaaand we got a Gold Medal, yayy!

11-09-15_7-13-13 PM

As an adult he still loves spending quality time with his daughter. I’m pretty sure he’ll get one of these overprotecting dads once she’s a teen…

11-09-15_7-19-41 PM

Aww, look! They are soo cute, especially Luke.

11-09-15_7-20-48 PM

When Leia was gone to play at the monkey bars he stayed in her room and continued playing with the dolls. My little cutie *secretly weeps for not being able making Luke the heir*

11-09-15_7-23-06 PM

Travis is pretty good at making money with programming (and listening to the new stereo).

11-09-15_7-25-18 PM

Yes, her secret trait is active. I really wonder whether she’ll get it at her teen or young adult birthday.

11-09-15_7-25-33 PM

But Leia also likes talking to Luke. They’re really funny together!

11-09-15_7-27-02 PM

I must share this with you: I’m soo proud of my family, this corner of the house hasn’t been used yet! The kids rather play outside than watching TV, what a great childhood.

11-09-15_7-28-18 PM

And Kira likes to paint, she’s making adorable paintings by now! I don’t even want to sell them (and I didn’t sell this one, I found it fitted perfectly in the living room corner).

11-09-15_7-34-35 PM

Romance still goes on between these two.

11-09-15_7-36-28 PM

11-09-15_7-36-50 PM

And gloominess goes on here…

11-09-15_7-39-28 PM

Not even the hilarious stories Kira uses to tell her children can lift her mood up.

11-09-15_7-41-31 PM

So guess what? We’re hiding under the blankets again *sigh*

11-09-15_7-43-25 PM

At least there’s one thing which makes her happy: hugs of Travis. Just so cute!

11-09-15_7-43-52 PM

But Travis doesn’t only like to hug Leia.

11-09-15_7-45-25 PM

Another try on getting the second silver medal!

11-09-15_7-47-24 PM

After a while I brought the children to the park too. Leia and Ashton seem to become pretty good friends.

11-09-15_7-47-44 PM

Meanwhile Luke likes to hang out with, well, more mature guys.

11-09-15_7-47-52 PM

One last kiss…

11-09-15_7-49-22 PM

…and off to playing the sea monster for the children! (You see Kira and Luke hugging in the background… I’m meeelting)

11-09-15_7-50-46 PM

Woah, yeah, Travis, you’re doing your job pretty good! I would totally be scared.

11-09-15_7-50-48 PM

Yay, totally cheering for Leia + Ashton! (I already know his trait, but I forgot… it was a nice one, I promise)

11-09-15_7-53-26 PM

Say grilled cheese aspiration!

11-09-15_7-54-26 PM

Travis has finished playing the sea monster and chooses to eat something together with Kira. They haven’t eaten together for a long time.

11-09-15_7-56-34 PM

You can already bet on her joining them at everything they do…

11-09-15_7-56-39 PM

I finally managed getting Leia off the monkey bars and doing something else she needs to do for her aspiration.

11-09-15_7-59-49 PM

And Kira has finished another painting. Another nice one! Kira, you’re making it really hard to sell those paintings for money!

11-09-15_8-01-18 PM

Chapter 7

I love this shirt. Isn’t it gorgeous?

11-06-15_7-04-39 PM

Some Father-Daughter-Bonding going on here. You can truly see how much they love each other!

11-06-15_7-06-54 PM

After the kids were gone to school, Kira and Travis had a little alone time. Well, they obviously didn’t make much of it…

11-06-15_7-07-19 PM

Leia comes home and she… is gloomy. Is this your everyday mode now? Well I guess it’s difficult when it is the only trait you have.

11-06-15_7-10-38 PM

But Luke is such a cutie! I love him. I feel kinda sad I chose matriarchy for this legacy…

11-06-15_7-13-28 PM

Later that day Ashton came to visit Leia. They seem to get along pretty well!

11-06-15_7-14-01 PM

Until he said something embarrassing. Although it wasn’t really embarrassing, he just tried to make a joke… but failed. If you say it like this it is embarrassing.

11-06-15_7-14-16 PM

For her aspiration Kira needed to get a second silver medal at a date. So she asked Travis out.

11-06-15_7-16-21 PM

He is not amused. Hey, you said yes just seconds ago! (Btw Kira got a promotion, as you can see at her working outfit. I unfortunately forgot to let her change before they went on the date.)

11-06-15_7-17-33 PM

Umm kid? What are you doing here, weren’t you sitting on Leia’s bed?!

11-06-15_7-17-50 PM

Travis got all into dancing.

11-06-15_7-18-30 PM

But then something happened…

11-06-15_7-19-49 PM

It was because of this cowboy lady! Travis rejected any flirts she threw to him, but Kira wasn’t convinced.

11-06-15_7-20-33 PM

Kira: I’ll show you, cowboy lady!

11-06-15_7-22-01 PM

I let the two of them sit outside to get away from all the people, so Kira maybe can settle down a bit…

11-06-15_7-23-21 PM

Kira: WHAT the plum were you thinking?

Travis: Baby, I only love you *blows kiss*

11-06-15_7-23-25 PM

Kira: Don’t you try this on me now!

11-06-15_7-23-37 PM

Travis: But Babe…

Kira: I’m out.

11-06-15_7-24-29 PM

Poor Travis. Summer, you didn’t really help by joining them…

11-06-15_7-24-58 PM

Inside Kira is trying to calm herself, but soon Travis walkes in. He just can’t stand it when they are fighting.

11-06-15_7-26-11 PM

But Kira is still too angry. Better we go home. No silver medal for you, then!

I really feel sorry for Travis. After all he can’t help it…

11-09-15_5-46-31 PM

What the plum?! Leia, you know it’s 3am? (Did I mention the kids both rolled the Rambunctious Scamp aspiration? Well, Leia is taking it very seriously.)

11-06-15_7-27-40 PM

At least Luke waited until the next morning before he talked to his best friend, Blarffy (he really doesn’t have any other friends).

11-09-15_5-48-16 PM

Right after getting up Kira stormed off to work. Still angry I suppose…

11-09-15_5-51-52 PM

Travis also had to go working right after he woke up… and he is still sad about the last night (also stinky).

11-09-15_5-52-14 PM

After coming home, Kira seems to be in a better mood. She’s telling her children some dramatic stories here!

11-09-15_5-57-24 PM

Well, for Travis this day also didn’t end so well…

11-09-15_6-00-54 PM

11-09-15_6-05-21 PM

11-09-15_6-05-25 PM

11-09-15_6-06-46 PM

(Okay, the last picture was on the next morning… I didn’t want him to repair things all night!)

Travis: Please, let me at least eat a bit for myself…

11-09-15_6-07-54 PM

Yes, of course my dear. And you’ll also get some fun before you go to work.

11-09-15_6-09-25 PM

What. Is. This. Don’t you dare coming near our house, cowboy lady!

11-09-15_6-10-38 PM

Our friend Eleanor is visiting again. Of course Kira told her the whole story.

Kira: Can you believe?!

11-09-15_6-13-05 PM

Umm… I can’t believe this.

11-09-15_6-15-00 PM

You shouldn’t put so much effort in a picture of her, Kira, she’ll be more likely to hang trash on her walls anyway.

11-09-15_6-20-18 PM

Aww, autonomous hugging out there!

11-09-15_6-21-38 PM

While the kids are outside, Kira and Travis finally get their happy end, although a little belated.

11-09-15_6-25-28 PM

11-09-15_6-25-47 PM

Chapter 6

Back again wit this adorable picture:

11-06-15_4-51-29 PM

I think it’s soo cute that Travis automatically heads for his daughter while Kira automatically heads for her son!

But soon it is clear that if they keep it like this, Travis gets much more work than Kira…

11-06-15_4-53-00 PM

Don’t worry little Leia, Daddy’s already here.

11-06-15_4-54-00 PM

He was so happy about his two new-born children that he got a promotion that day, yay!

11-06-15_4-59-04 PM

Meanwhile Kira was taking care of the two cuties. Umm… Mister? What are you doing here?

11-06-15_4-59-58 PM

Later I realized that he was the mail man (the one who hates children!). Well, children are not so bad anymore, aren’t they, Mister Mail Man?

11-06-15_5-04-33 PM

Travis comes home from work really tense really often, so I decided we can use his bonus and promotion to finally get him a computer. He appreciated it!

And Kira, our little neat freak, appreciates the new sink. Finally no throwing the dishes into the trash anymore!

11-06-15_5-10-07 PM

Soon I got the notifications I waited for:

11-06-15_5-13-43 PM 11-06-15_5-13-45 PM

Can’t wait to see how they’ll turn out!

Oh my, Leia is literally crying all the time. I hope you will be easier to take care of when you’re older…

11-06-15_5-17-45 PM

Aaand it’s the big day!

This is Luke (yeah, he’ll totally get a makeover…), he aged up outgoing, like his father:

11-06-15_5-35-06 PM

And Leia (where the plum did she get this red hair from?!), she aged up gloomy:

11-06-15_5-36-20 PM

Well I hope Kira is sure Travis is the father… I think she told him something about a remote relative of hers who had red hair… seems legit.

Oh Luke, you look so much better that way! And I love your hairstyle, wouldn’t it be a shame to hide it under this cap?

11-06-15_5-43-40 PM

Yay for autonomous hugs!

11-06-15_5-51-56 PM

Just like his mother. I’m proud of you.

11-06-15_5-52-16 PM

While Leia is totally emulating her father.

11-06-15_5-57-24 PM 11-06-15_5-58-12 PM

They also love to play outside together. Monkey Bar Buddies!

11-06-15_6-00-20 PM

And the parents take advantage of it…

11-06-15_6-03-08 PM

On the next day I got to see Leia’s trait the first time. Gloomy little girl.

11-06-15_6-06-29 PM

She immediately went back to bed to cry.

11-06-15_6-06-40 PM

So what? Let’s go to the park and meet the Park Boys, that will sure lift her mood!

11-06-15_6-18-51 PM

Until she got to speak to this kid with sunglasses, his name is Aiden Davis (yes, I’m finally keeping track of names!).

He was really mean to her and she got really really angry.

11-06-15_6-20-45 PM

But, well, he didn’t have to cope with it anymore, because he plumming aged up in front of their eyes (I sure hope you get the forgotten birthday moodlet!).

11-06-15_6-21-39 PM

He actually looks pretty good…

Woah look at Leia! Poor little Ashton Brubaker… He gets all of her anger.

11-06-15_6-21-43 PM

Umm okay… I think this won’t get much better. Let’s head home, you didn’t do your homework yet!

Aww, aren’t these two adorable!

11-06-15_6-49-30 PM

Later that evening they got another visit from their friend and I finally know her name: Eleanor Davis! (Maybe she is related to the boy who aged up in the park?)

She’s finally a young adult, Kira’s and Travis’ age now!

11-06-15_6-54-31 PM

In the last picture you could already see that I expanded the house, but here is a picture with it all furnished (well, partly furnished… at least the twins each got their own room):

11-06-15_7-00-20 PM

(Hahaha, look how everyone’s just standing around!)

And that’s what I’m leaving you with, see you next time!